Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Tiger gets driven to Trout Lake, as do others. Some dogs live close enough to be walked there. The cutest beagle named Annie (sorry no picture), gets to ride in her own special chariot. We don't tell her it says "lazy dog on board" :)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Tiger's new friend. Lukie is a rottweiler/blue heeler and as gentle as can be.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Welcome !

I've decided to try and post a photo a day, some may be current, some may be from the past. I am definitely not the greatest with a camera, point and shoot, that's me. Currently my camera is a Sony Cybershot 6.0 mega pixels. It seems to work when it wants. I'm thinking the lithium ion battery may need replacing as it is always needing to be re-charged. At $70.00 for the battery I'll stick to charging it every day. Plus I do have a "free" one on it's way and if it is not to my liking then I'll buy a new one. Hope you like my first "daily focus" above. It was taken a few weeks ago, on one of those rare sunny days. I was driving behind this truck and thought it looked cute, so when we were stopped at a red light I snapped quickly. I didn't get the name on the truck but it was for a dairy farm. Guess that's pretty obvious :)